Products from my hobbies & Industrial Needs
I have 3 hobbies drag racing, RC models, and electronics in all cases I take pride in my work."If it doesn't work, then it's useless" is one thing I can say for sure no matter what is created. I've worked on so many different things where they didn't work because of bad design or cost savings. Well I don't do that. Whether I'm building a cooling fan controller or a 1000Hp engine I take a little more time and over build it so it lasts and does the job without worry.
Product groups:
- Racing and street products that include MAP & O2 sensor offset voltage output that allows one to tune the output of these sensors. This box follows the output of the sensors and allows you to adjust them up or down so the computer sees a different level. A cooling fan controller that can control 2 or 4 circuits that allows you to adjust the on & off temperatures. Distribute-less ignition for Oldsmobile engines for now. Why? Because no one makes one and I use an Olds for testing and racing. Check-it-out. Ignition systems, Pro, Street/Strip and Street systems both CDI and inductive (inductive only in racing versions) that will have features found no where else. The features will include things that my family, friends, and I need to win. Check-it-out.
- Motorcycle & Snowmobile Racing. We are developing a Krober style ignition for 2 & 4 stroke racing engines.
Small engine ignitions. This is a follow up on the RC Group PIC12f1840 project which seems to have died out, I have taken to finish it properly. I'm making my own version of the controller board and HV spark board which will be available to anyone who wants to make their own programmable timing ignition. There will be 4 versions, basic, junior, DIY, and Pro. All versions are programmable and are perfect for conversions and getting the most power from your engine for both 2 & 4 strokes. Check-it-out.
- Electronic Products. that range from simple interest projects to industrial controls. Check-it-out.