Version F1.1 changes Jan. 01/2013: Repaird the copying of values from the Setup sheet to the Code sheets. This also affects the Tables sheet. Before, if you made a change on the Setup sheet and did not go to the Tables sheet first, the Code sheets would NOT be updated with your changes. This has now been corrected. This version has been checked by myself and John (gr8flyer55), we have not found any other problems. If you find some error or problems let me know please. Version F1 changes Dec. 15/2012: This applies to both: CDI-2012_v1.0-F1.xlsm and Pull-ups are turned off for the switches and the polarities are reversed CDI-2012_v1.0_B-F1.xlsm Corrected errors produced when workbook opened in Excel 2003 and older. Some values were not being copied properly in both 2003 and 2007 especially in the code sheets. Errors: -In the Setup_Setings sheet when you clicked on "Copy Settings 1 -> Settings 2"a '0' value was copied. Some how the formula got changed from =K4 to =K14, I corrected this by using VBA to correct the macro. Sub Move_User_Settings() ' Move_User_Settings Macro 'Range("E11").Copy Destination:=Range("E21") REMed out Range("E21").Value = Range("E11") Added this code Range("E13").Copy Destination:=Range("E23") Range("E14").Copy Destination:=Range("E24") Range("E15").Copy Destination:=Range("E25") Range("E16").Copy Destination:=Range("E26") Range("E17").Copy Destination:=Range("E27") Range("E18").Copy Destination:=Range("E28") Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("A1,A1").Select End Sub -Removed macro "GENERATE", this was causing an error when the workbook was opened in Excel 2003, even though this macro was never called. -Removed the cell formulas from the Table_Values sheet cells G3 and N3. There is now VBA code for whenever the sheet becomes active and this copies the values of the Timer1 column from Curve-1 and Curve-2. These values are copied to G3 and N3, these values are automaticaly copied into the 12F683_Code sheet and the 12F1840_Code sheet. The values of Curve-1 is also copied into the ClipBoard so you can paste it into whatever you wish. It seems that in Excel 2003 your formula is limited to a length of 1024 characters, this limit is higher in 2007. Added procedure: Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim doClip As DataObject Dim rSrc As Range Dim row As Range Dim cell As Range Dim sText As String Dim Tmp As Integer Set doClip = New DataObject Set rSrc = Sheets("Table_Values").Range("J5:J260") For Each cell In rSrc If Tmp < 255 Then 'must subtract 5 + 1 to account for the first 5 lines sText = sText & cell.Text & "," Else sText = sText & cell.Text End If Tmp = Tmp + 1 Next cell Sheets("Table_Values").Range("G3") = sText Tmp = 0 doClip.SetText sText doClip.PutInClipboard Set doClip = Nothing sText = "" Set rSrc = Nothing Set rSrc = Sheets("Table_Values").Range("Q5:Q260") For Each cell In rSrc If Tmp < 255 Then 'must subtract 5 + 1 to account for the first 5 lines sText = sText & cell.Text & "," Else sText = sText & cell.Text End If Tmp = Tmp + 1 Next cell Sheets("Table_Values").Range("N3") = sText Tmp = 0 Range("A1,A1").Select End Sub End of fixes. Ray